New version 5.8.0

It is available for download the version 5.8.0 of OrganiZator.  Recall that in you can get a detail on how to upgrade from previous versions.

* The new version represents a major step in the development schedule of OrganiZator. In addition to lead a review of minor inconsistencies in the user interface and bug correction, this version incorporate significant improvements in dBase, so we recommend upgrading to all users of previous versions.

* It has been incorporated a new field in dBase that we call Frame Holder (FH). Now, besides the Extended Data of each item, may be included a catalog of images or other resources -the kind of objects that are visible in the browser.- So, besides the other fields, may be attached photographs; Web pages; PDF documents and any other resources that are typically accessed in the Web. The resources shown in the FH may be external to the dBase (located anywhere, on the Intranet or in Internet) or internal, in which case they are stored in the Zator’s dBase. For example, a JPG image, a PDF document, Etc. The demo included with the installation contains several examples.

* It has improved the formatting of the Note/Memo fields of dBase. Along with the existing capacity of storing notes as plain text (without format), it is now possible to store, import and export these notes as formatted text (RTF), with the possibility of determining the character set (font); size and color of the text; background color; interlined and indentation.  Also is possible the use of underlining; bold; italic, etc. In addition to the above, it has included the ability of redo and undo movements in these fields.

* It has been eliminated an error who allow delete an item in the link’s windows (lower windows of dBase). When pressing the [Delete] key to delete the link, instead of remaining the item and delete the link, the item where removed. Now, the behavior is correct; according to the documentation, the link is erased but the item remains.

* Has been added the ability to qualify a previous anonymous link. In previous versions you could change the type of a link, or anonymous it -clear it’s type-, but once anonymous, could not be qualified again.

* It has been eliminated a problem of visibility in the Extended Data of dBase, presented when using a screens resolution of 1280×800 pixels. The application can be used with virtually all standard screen resolutions from 800×600 to 1440×900 and above.

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